The BAADER 35 can process herring, from 20-40 cm (75-450 g), mackerel and silver smelt 24-40 cm (130-600 g), blue whiting 22-40 cm (75-350 g) as well as trout 25-38 cm (160-600 g) with all usual cuts.
Amodified version for smaller herring from 17-32 cm (35-240 g) is BAADER 36.
Separate drives of heading and filleting sections enable operation of the heading section as a separate machine with an optional nobbing attachment. Only on operator is required when the BAADER 35/36 is combined with the automatic feeder BAADER 482, 483 or 484. A skinning machine BAADER 55 can be attached for the production of skinless herring fillets.
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Filleting machine Baader 35 (single or butterfly fillet) Nº ID-1999
The BAADER 35 can process herring, spiced herring, salt herring from 20-40cm (75-450g), mackerel and silver smelt 24-40cm (130-600g), blue whiting 22-40cm (75-350g) as well as trout 25-38cm (160-600g).